BSpPath (Hons), CPSP


Kate graduated from La Trobe University with a Bachelor of Speech Pathology and first class Honours in 2011. She first worked as a Speech Pathologist in the acute adult medical setting for three years with a particular focus on neurology and voice disorders. We were then delighted to have Kate accept the invitation to join us at Voice Medicine Australia in 2014 and she has continued to impress with her strong physiological and evidence-based approach to patient care. Kate’s passion for voice stemmed from training and experience in the performing arts and this, coupled with a personal experience of a voice disorder in her teens, drove her to pursue Speech Pathology. She now works as one of our senior clinicians in laryngology and is dedicated to supporting people with various laryngeal conditions to reach their vocal and upper airway goals.

Kate has presented at conferences nationally and, in line with her commitment to furthering research within the field of laryngology, became a full-time PhD candidate at Monash University early in 2021. Although she is therefore unable to provide her regular time commitment with us, Kate will continue to offer relief consultancy to both VMA and our sister practice, The Melbourne Voice Analysis Centre, over her doctoral studies for the next few years.

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